
It took me more than two weeks to finish the story board.

I finally received the first of the illustrations about a month later. It was painful to wait for the updates.

It wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. The figures were not what I was looking for so I did some research and found copies of pictures I thought would give me more of the look and feel for what I saw in my dream.

I Googled mobsters:

1940's Gangsters

a 1914 Stutz Bearcat, because I thought it depicted the epidemy of wealth:

1919 Stutz_Bearcat

and Victorian houses:

Victorian Home

But this is what the artist sent me:

Master Pineapple - Mr Roughy's HouseI had asked for a 5-story house, but this is the illustration the artist designed. It came out as a 2 story house. The opening of the garage was supposed to reveal a merry go-round coming out, which is why there are music notes floating outside.

It was painful to try and deal with the time difference of the artist working in India and their time zone being 12 1/2 hours ahead of mine. But, the most difficult aspect was trying to communicate what I wanted. Even though he spoke perfect English, the difference was in the interpretation of what I was asking for and what he thought I said.